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Ten Sporting Moments that Changed the World

NR | 45 min | 2023

Throughout history, mankind has continued to push forward and innovate towards a better and brighter future; however, as a species, we have always had a fixation on competition.

Throughout history, mankind has continued to push forward and innovate towards a better and brighter future; however, as a species, we have always had a fixation on competition. Participating in events and rituals which involve pitting your best against another and finding out who is better. Sport. The physical exertion of mind and body- as an individual or part of a team. Sport pushes those who strive forward to the peaks of their physical limits. The dedication to training to become better, both physically and mentally, as well as the adoration of fans supporting your every move, elevates sporting activities to one of the most sought-after social interactions anyone can experience. Since the tribal days of early humans to the warrior families of Sparta, humanity's athletic prowess has always been a factor in achieving greatness. Alexander the great once said, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try". And try, he would, with number 10 on our list. This is. Ten sporting moments that changed the world.


Dick Daleki

Executive Producers

Brian Aabech, Jordan Hill


Remarni Ramchaitar-Jackman

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