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Nest of Evil Spirits: The Public Housing Block That Consumes People!!

S1 : E16

TV-MA | 24 min | Aired: 10.22.00

Satsuki's father is injured, but Leo thinks ghosts are behind it. When the gang investigates the building Satsuki's father worked at, they find that the building itself is alive.

Moving to a new town is tough on kids. Nothing is familiar, and with no friends, it can be scary. In Satsuki's case, that last part isn't helped any when she, her little brother, and three kids from school end up in the old schoolhouse, which just so happens to be haunted by ghosts!


Hilary Haag, Monica Rial, Chris Patton, Greg Ayres, Christine Auten, Rob Mugle

Executive Producers

John Ledford

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