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Child and Teens Abuse in Hollywood

S1 : E3

TV-14 | 27 min | Aired: 10.28.19

#MeToo exposes Hollywood's dark side of child abuse, unveiling a call for lasting change in the industry.

The documentary series that unveils the best kept secrets of Hollywood and reveals the well-known scandals of the showbiz world. Each episode covers such topics as the Harvey Weinstein scandal and #Metoo movement, mysterious celebrity deaths, crazy downfalls, the insane lifestyle of the rich and famous, and all the stories that everybody wants to know.


Elizabeth Wautlet, Jim Carrey, Kylie Jenner, Gwyneth Paltrow, Harvey Weinstein, Paul Walker, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger, Tom Cruise, Marlon Brando, Clint Eastwood, Sidney Poitier, Chadwick Boseman, Denzel Washington, Roman Polanski, Drew Barrymore, Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, Reginald de Guillebon, David Freydt, Laurent Cotillon

Executive Producers

Reginald de Guillebon, Laurent Cotillon

full-episodes (13)

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